Malibu Hills Engagement | Erin + Bobby


Hello and Happy Friday folks!  What a wonderful week it has been.  We are more than half way through this wedding season and it has been the best yet.

So far this year has been full of amazing couples, cool new venues, awesome vendors and some of the best dancing groups I have ever seen!  It’s been a wild and fun ride so far and I look forward to the weddings I have yet to experience.

Take this darling couple for instance.  Erin and Bobby… have you seen a cuter couple?  We got to sneak away for a little bit to shoot some fun portraits in the hills of Malibu.  Between the perfect weather, beautiful lighting and two people madly in love,  I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect afternoon.

These two are getting married in October and it is sure to be one of the best celebrations yet!

Congrats Erin and Bobby, I am truly honored and excited to be a part of your big day.



Tenley + Parker


Scripps La Jolla Wedding | Amy + Luke